Saturday, March 17, 2012

26 Big Things Small Hands Do

"26 Big Things Small Hands Do"
By Colleen Paratore, Illustrated by Mike Reed

Ages: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

A fun way to review and/or introduce the alphabet!

The Handiest Things in the World

"The Handiest Things in the world"
By Andrew Clements, Photographs by Raquel Jaramillo

Ages: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

I really enjoyed this book. On each page the author and photographer draw a contrast between solving a problem using our hands vs. using a tool or another object. I especially liked the photography in this one!

Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb

"Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb"
By Al Perkins, Illustrated by Eric Gurney

Age: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

This is fun! My kids still walk around the house shouting out rhymes about monkeys beating on drums. Great for early readers. Enjoy!

Mommy's Hands

"Mommy's Hands"
By Kathryn Lasky

Age: 3-5 years

A very cute book about all the little things that moms do for their kids.

H is for Hand

Maybe it's me or maybe it's our library system, but I couldn't find a lot of books on the original Read to Me & ABC list for the letter H. We did find some good books, though, which you can find in the following posts. Enjoy!

Zinnia's Flower Garden

"Zinnia's Flower Garden"
By Monica Wellington

Age: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

This was our favorite garden book. Last year it inspired a flower growing activity which eventually ended in two newly sprouted zinnia plants being uprooted, torn apart, and re-planted. Note to mothers with children under 4 years old: Do not try planting flowers unless you have space in your house or yard where young toddlers cannot reach them.

I'm not sure what it is about this book, but the kids are drawn to it. It's a pleasant book to read several times a day, which helps parents as well. Enjoy!

Good Morning Garden

"Good Morning Garden"
By Barbara Brenner, Illustrated by Denise Ortakales

Age: 3-5 years

Admittedly not my favorite, but the style is a nice change from most other picture books. When we read this book, Hannah (3 years old) was very interested in picking out letters in print. She had fun finding all of the g's in this book.

My Garden

"My Garden"
By Kevin Henkes

Age: 3-5 years

I'll be honest, I don't remember anything beyond the cover of this book. But I do know this author and am always drawn to the style of illustrations. Something about the colors that just make me want to open up the cover. Check it out at your local library and let me know what's inside! :)

Our Community Garden

"Our Community Garden"
By Barbara Pollak

Age: 3-5 years, 5-7 years

Colorful and fun! We've enjoyed checking out this book about community and yes, vegetables, a number of times.

G is for Garden

Following along in our Read to Me & ABC plan, we moved from F is for Firetruck to G is for Garden.

At this point both Joshua and Hannah know all of their letters - Joshua is even starting to read - so I'm continuing with this program for the sheer satisfaction of completing something that we set out to do. I also enjoy having a theme to work with when we go to the library. We're reading about more than just trucks and skyscrapers and that's a good thing!

In the next few posts you'll find a handful of fun books about gardens. Enjoy!

It's Been a Looooong Time!

The winter is always a bit rough for us. Between weather and sickness we're usually out of commission for weeks on end. This winter, however, we've had relatively few bouts of illness and the weather has been incredibly mild for the Northeast. So what's my excuse for not updating sooner? Life.

Life with three kids - 4 1/2, 3, and 18 months - makes for busy days and an ever-growing to-do list. If you follow this book list or even look at it occasionally, please don't feel neglected. My family also must persevere with the effects of a crazy schedule. They've been eating very interesting dinners, living in the midst of piles of clean laundry, and walking on dirty floors for a few months now. It's scary for a person who really likes to be in control, but it's my reality at the moment.

Also, we found out just after Thanksgiving that we're expecting our fourth child - due to arrive sometime in July or August. We are excited! And we're talking and praying through all kinds of preparations for our growing family. Our first order of business was to buy a minivan - a Toyota Corolla can only fit so many car seats. Because of the Lord's abundant supply to us we now ride around in style (and with a little extra room) in a 2003 Chrysler Voyager. I almost feel like a real mom at this point. And if buying a car doesn't meet our quota for large purchases for the year, now we're praying about and looking into buying a house - a one bedroom, suburban apartment can only fit so many pairs of little feet. Yes, there are definitely many exciting things on the horizon!

In a nutshell, life is full and very busy. But in the midst of it we're reading all the time. Following is a long list of books that we've checked out from the library in the last couple of months. Hope you find something new and interesting for your kids. Enjoy!