Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Been a Looooong Time!

The winter is always a bit rough for us. Between weather and sickness we're usually out of commission for weeks on end. This winter, however, we've had relatively few bouts of illness and the weather has been incredibly mild for the Northeast. So what's my excuse for not updating sooner? Life.

Life with three kids - 4 1/2, 3, and 18 months - makes for busy days and an ever-growing to-do list. If you follow this book list or even look at it occasionally, please don't feel neglected. My family also must persevere with the effects of a crazy schedule. They've been eating very interesting dinners, living in the midst of piles of clean laundry, and walking on dirty floors for a few months now. It's scary for a person who really likes to be in control, but it's my reality at the moment.

Also, we found out just after Thanksgiving that we're expecting our fourth child - due to arrive sometime in July or August. We are excited! And we're talking and praying through all kinds of preparations for our growing family. Our first order of business was to buy a minivan - a Toyota Corolla can only fit so many car seats. Because of the Lord's abundant supply to us we now ride around in style (and with a little extra room) in a 2003 Chrysler Voyager. I almost feel like a real mom at this point. And if buying a car doesn't meet our quota for large purchases for the year, now we're praying about and looking into buying a house - a one bedroom, suburban apartment can only fit so many pairs of little feet. Yes, there are definitely many exciting things on the horizon!

In a nutshell, life is full and very busy. But in the midst of it we're reading all the time. Following is a long list of books that we've checked out from the library in the last couple of months. Hope you find something new and interesting for your kids. Enjoy!

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